Embracing Godly Manhood at Northside Church

Our Men's Ministry is committed to nurturing the qualities of a Godly man. We understand that the responsibilities and priorities associated with this role may at times seem demanding. That’s why we’re here to support you on this meaningful journey.

Our Focus Areas:

• Responsibilities: Embracing your responsibilities as a man of faith.
Relationship with God: Deepening your connection with the Divine.
Leadership: Nurturing your leadership qualities.
Family Obligations: Fulfilling your duties as a family man.
Integrity: Upholding unwavering moral principles.
Godly Fatherhood: Becoming a nurturing and guiding father.
Godly Husband: Strengthening your bond as a husband.
Serving in Ministry: Active involvement in the church’s mission.

What We Offer:

Northside Church is dedicated to providing men with the tools, guidance, and fellowship they need to excel as Godly men. Here’s a glimpse of our regular activities and some signature events:

Life Group: Join us every first Wednesday evening at 7:00pm, following our Family Night meal, for engaging discussions and mutual growth.

Men's Fellowship Night: The second Thursday of each month is dedicated to Men’s Night, where you can expect a blend of camaraderie, laughter, nourishing food, and profound spiritual insights.

Together, we can navigate the demanding yet rewarding path of being a Godly man. Join us at Northside Church and embark on this journey of growth and fulfillment.