Our Story

Our story commenced in the early 1950s when Northside was established in Laurens, South Carolina. Our ongoing mission is to progress by nurturing personal growth and fostering a thriving community. At Northside, we impart the teachings of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, emphasizing salvation through the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ. Our services are designed to inspire your spiritual growth and encourage you to serve, utilizing the unique gifts, talents, and blessings bestowed upon you by God. We provide numerous avenues for you to get involved and cultivate your faith.

Who We Are:

We are a church of authentic individuals navigating the challenges of a broken world. We understand that real-life issues are a constant, and we don't subscribe to a sugar-coated gospel; we follow the authentic Gospel of Jesus Christ. We're familiar with the struggles of sickness, anxiety, financial hardships, and more, just like anyone else. Instead of shying away from life's trials, we embrace them, recognizing that they are temporary in the grander scheme of things. We're a community of people who grapple with the complexities of daily existence, facing challenges, failures, and our own humanity. Together, we confront these challenges, unified under the guidance of Christ, because we believe that we were not designed to face life's trials alone.


In the face of life's trials, we unite as part of the Body of Christ, the church. Together, we worship, give, and serve, lifting one another up, offering encouragement, and providing unwavering support. Our shared belief in a real Savior sustains our faith, reminding us that the best is yet to come. Even when life becomes challenging, plans unravel, and we feel at the end of our rope, we place our trust in a God who guides us through it all. Our faith centers on a God who guarantees eternal salvation for those who embrace His son, Jesus Christ, whose death and resurrection underpin this promise. The God we serve is never caught off guard and orchestrates everything for the good of those who serve Him.


We are deeply committed to sharing the message of Jesus Christ, with the aim of fostering meaningful relationships with Him. Our purpose is to offer genuine hope to those grappling with life's complexities, a sense of purposelessness, or uncertainty about love. Jesus Christ empathizes with your struggles and provides authentic hope in the midst of darkness. We are fervently dedicated to witnessing individuals who may be distanced from God transition from darkness to His illuminating presence. Irrespective of your past, even if you believe divine forgiveness is beyond reach, we firmly believe in God's loving embrace, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and a promising future for all who seek Him.