What We Believe
About God

God stands as the Creator and Supreme Sovereign over the entirety of the universe. His existence has been eternal, manifesting in a triune nature encompassing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three entities coexist in perfect equality, forming a singular, divine Godhead.

About Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the Son of God and holds a co-equal status with the Father. He led a sinless human life and willingly presented Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of humanity through His death in the cross. Rising from the dead on the third day, He displayed His power over sin and death. Following His resurrection, He ascended to Heaven and will one day return to Earth, where He will rule as the King.

About the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, co-equal with the Father and the Son of God, assumes the role of a helper. Sent after Jesus Christ's ascension, the Holy Spirit takes up residence within every Christian from the moment of their salvation. His presence imparts the power to live a faithful life, deepens the understanding of spiritual truths, and offers guidance in the pursuit of righteousness. Additionally, spiritual gifts are bestowed upon every believer at the moment of their salvation through the Holy Spirit.

About the Bible

The Bible represents God's message to humanity. Crafted by human authors under the extraordinary influence of the Holy Spirit, it stands as the ultimate wellspring of truth concerning Christian faith and how to live. Given its divine inspiration, the Bible offers pure, unadulterated truth, free from any traces of error.

About People

Humans bear the spiritual likeness of God, reflecting His character. They hold a preeminent place in God's creation. Despite the immense potential for good within each individual, all are tainted by an inclination towards disobedience to God, often referred to as "sin." This separation from God due to sin gives rise to numerous challenges in our lives.

About Salvation

Salvation stands as a divine gift, freely offered to us. Our sins can never be atoned for through self-improvement or good deeds. The sole path to salvation is by placing our trust in Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on the cross, where He paid the penalty for our sins, a penalty that should have been ours. When we forsake our self-directed ways and place our faith in Jesus, we experience salvation. Eternal life commences the very moment one accepts Jesus Christ into their life through faith.

About Eternity

Human beings were designed for eternal existence. This eternal existence will take one of two forms: either eternal separation from God due to sin, which is described as hell, or eternal fellowship with God through forgiveness and salvation, known as eternal life. Heaven and hell are genuine places of everlasting existence.