Our story began in the early 1950s when Northside was founded in Laurens, South Carolina. Our mission is to support personal growth, build a strong community, and share the message of Christ so others can come to know Him. At Northside, we teach about the Holy Trinity—God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and the salvation found in Jesus Christ. Our services aim to inspire your spiritual growth and encourage you to serve using the gifts God has given you. There are many ways to get involved and grow in your faith.
We are a church of real people facing the challenges of a broken world. We don't sugarcoat the Gospel; we follow the true message of Jesus Christ. Like everyone, we deal with sickness, anxiety, financial struggles, and more. Instead of avoiding life's trials, we embrace them, knowing they are temporary. As a community, we face the ups and downs of life together, guided by Christ, because we believe we're not meant to go through it alone.
In life's trials, we come together as the Body of Christ, worshiping, giving, and serving while supporting and encouraging each other. Our faith in a real Savior keeps us strong, reminding us that the best is yet to come. Even when life is hard and plans fall apart, we trust in a God who leads us through it all. Our faith rests in God’s promise of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, whose death and resurrection secure that hope. We believe God is never surprised and works everything for the good of those who serve Him.
We are committed to sharing the message of Jesus Christ and helping people build meaningful relationships with Him. Our goal is to offer real hope to those struggling with life's challenges, feeling lost, or unsure about love. Jesus understands your struggles and brings true hope in the darkness. We are passionate about seeing people move from distance to closeness with God. No matter your past, even if you feel beyond forgiveness, we believe in God's love, grace, mercy, and the promising future He offers to all who seek Him.